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Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: J & D

Update on J & D who are actively preparing to enter ministry to a creative access region of the world - ahead of them are last minute preparations, goodbyes to friends and family, dependence on the Lord to provide for them.

Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: J&D, OMF, creative access region

Welcome to the New Year! Just as Abram heard the Almighty tell him to pack up and go, they also feel that God is saying it is time for them to move and go. They had been ready to leave prior, but postponed the leave time twice due to Covid and visa uncertainties!

Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: J&D, access challenged location

God has not allowed them to take the next steps, getting a visa has been nearly impossible due to COVID-19 and the different variants right now. They are hoping to leave sometime at the beginning of 2022.
