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Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Church Around the World

This month's newsletter has these prayer prompts: "Thank you, Lord, for Pastor Andimi. Like Isaac, his obedience and trust were larger than his fear and he chose faithfulness no matter the cost. Bless the families of all martyred Christian pastors.

Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Church Around the World - October 2022

The headline for this month’s newsletter is: “Cultivating Food, Faith and a Future in South Sudan” (Africa). In the Upper Nile, a state of South Sudan, the church is the only reliable provider of social services. Prayer for efforts to help with: food scarcity, education, women empowerment, youth empowerment.

Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: The Church Around the World - June 2022

This month's newsletter highlights efforts to make available Christian literature to all the high school students in Uganda, a Laos mother whose Christian faith is at odds with her adult children who are her means of support--one child immediately disowned her;
