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Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

宣教重点:华人圣经 宣教

为网上课程(悲伤辅导、婚姻与家庭)的完成而赞美;超过65名学生完成了这些课程。为7月份在台湾的暑期短期宣教事工 :通过CBM教会 工厂注册的小学儿童夏令营,与100名儿童一起工作。

Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Chinese Bible Mission (CBM Asia plus US domestic ministries)

CBM hosted a children’s day camp during the Chinese New Year break in Taiwan. It was a great experience for both the volunteers from the church and the local children. One camper who was invited by a classmate whose family attends their church plant was noticeably hostile to the Christian message at first. By the end of the camp, she had softened her demeanor and she and her sister even visited Sunday School a few weeks after the camp.
