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Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Global Gates

全球盖茨公司西海岸代表 Jason Adams-Brown 继续为阿富汗教会 Fremont 。这包括与阿富汗社区进行外联,协助难民家庭安顿并适应湾区 。

Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Tim and Tess Fortescue - Global Gates

Their update is themed around "order, disorder, reorder" which is explained in the update. God has used the recent disorder brought by Covid-19--a global pandemic, political and social upheaval in our country and around the world to uproot the Fortescue and place them in different related ministries in a different state where they are thriving and stretching their faith.

Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Global Gates

Jason Brown replaced Tim Fortescue last year as the Director of Global Gates, West Coast. One of the projects that Jason set up was collaborating with local Afghan families and several churches in San Ramon, CA to put together kitchen kits for newly arriving Afghan refugee families.

Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Global Gates, Fortescue Family

Global Gates (West Coast, US) – Tim Fortescue has focused the last six months on re-engaging in ministry after his sabbatical. He has also been working closely with the pastor of the local Afghan church.
