- Amelia Sun 1
- 阿什利-鲍尔-袁 2
- BACBC 慈悲基金 1
- BACBC Missionaries 2
- BWGI 3
- Bay Area 1
- 布莱恩和费丝-杨森 6
- 建设未来 1
- 华人圣经 任务 10
- Chinese Christian Herald Crusades 1
- 中国基督教传道会 9
- 中国基督教宣教 1
- Christine Okimura 1
- Christmas Offering 1
- 教会 世界各地 27
- 城市之光圣经教会 1
- 戴夫和佩吉-帕迪尼 1
- Derek 和 Chelsea Jung 12
- 戴维-埃克曼博士 6
- 大卫-帕迪尼博士 1
- Elijah Ren 2
- F&K 4
- Foster the Bay 1
- 培育城市 3
- 印度之友网络 2
- 全球盖茨 7
- 国际语言学中心 1
- J&D 7
- 吉姆和桑迪-斯佩尔曼 3
- Johnny Yue 3
- Jonathan Chan 1
- 欢乐噪音 Xpress 6
- 王国之米 7
- 拉里和凯瑟琳-利奇 7
- Lillian L 1
- Lillian Louie 1
- 地方事工 2
- 当地机会 1
- 马特·林田3
- Matt and Ashley Yuen 2
- 马修-林田 1
- Ministry Opportunities 2
- 聋哑人事工 2
- 教会使命Oakland 6
- 传教士之父 1
- 任务 230
- 宣教报告 1
- 宣教团队 2
- 全国收养意识 1
宣教重点:教会 世界各地, 2021年5月
Church Update and Encouragement
Before this school year ends, we want to take another big step of faith with you by inviting you to join our RAMen Fest Fundraiser. Coastline Christian Schools will be holding our first RAM-en Fest Fundraiser on Saturday, May 22nd from 11:30 AM- 3:00PM.
Missions Focus: Tim & Tessa Fortescue, Global Gates
Tim took a Sabbatical and returned to ministry in February 2021. He sent us a couple of updates and some of his messages are included in this brief focus!
Missions Focus: Real Options (Support Circle), Bay Area
Our vision is: "Advance a Culture of Life in the Bay Area and Beyond."
With the merger with Support Circle, we are now a family of 5 clinics around the Bay Area.
Missions Focus: Missio Dei Oakland, Pastor Alex Schweng
Each month, we highlight one of the Missions organizations supported by our church’s Great Commission Fund. Missio Dei Oakland began 10 years ago under the leadership of Pastor Alex Schweng.