Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

宣教焦点:喜乐噪音特快(jnX 美国、亚洲、加拿大)

joyful noise Xpress(jnX)--在陈炳炎牧师的带领下,jnX 开始了第 23 个年头的事工。今年秋天(2023 年),jnX 为湾区 和萨克拉门托的四家教会举办了八次培训课程。培训内容包括混音、小组声乐混合和崇拜 团队动态。目的是教导在崇拜 服事的人将崇拜 作为一种生活方式。

Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Joyful noise Xpress (jnx)

Led by Pastor Anthony Chan, jnX served 5 churches in the Bay Area (including BACBC Alameda) in the first half of the year. Their ministry included preaching and leading worship in Sunday Services, sharing testimonies at church fellowship events, and conducting worship training workshops that covered both heart and technical issues.

Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: joyful noise Xpress (jnX)

This newer missions organization BACBC supports celebrated their 21st anniversary in June. BACBC began supporting jnX in November 2021 but they have partnered with our Cantonese Department for Worship Outreach events and other ministry opportunities over the years.
