Kathy Fong Kathy Fong


除了布道,汤姆-莱瑟姆还致力于友谊布道。 他认为这是他们最成功的赢得灵魂的方式。在过去的 20 多年里,他们一直利用摔跤向公立学校的学生及其家长传福音。现在,他们终于看到了他们一直在祈祷的结果。他们感谢神,通过摔跤、木偶和哑剧等节目,许多人已经归向基督,有些人还接受了洗礼。

Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Tom and Penny Latham, Brazil

Tom and Penny Latham came back to Brazil on June 10 (2021) from a 3-month furlough. Right away they had to rebuild their baptistry as the termites had eaten all of the wood. They had some people make salvation decisions so they started new convert classes.

Kathy Fong Kathy Fong

Missions Focus: Tom & Penny Latham, Brazil

Baptist World Mission (Brazil) – For part of the last six months, Tom and Penny Latham have had to do their church services on Facebook because of COVID-19. Then the ban was lifted and they now can have up to 30 in a meeting.
